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Memorial Presbyterian


Sunday Worship


Sundays at 10:45 am

Childcare for Children

for ages 0-3 years

Children's Church

for ages 4 years - 2nd grade

Bible Study


Women at Memorial gather on Tuesday mornings during the school year for inductive Bible Study. This is a generational, politically, and ethnically diverse group. Those new to the Bible are welcome. Childcare for ages 0-6 years is free.

Book Discussion


Meeting about four times a year women gather in each other's homes to have lively conversation over a cup of tea or coffee. Books are picked through a group Doodle survey and anyone is free to suggest a title.

Prayer & Play Group

Mama's of littles meet twice a month at CJ's house throughout the summer. Think of it as a Girl's Night at brunch time. The children play upstairs with a babysitter for the entire 2 hours.  The last 30min we share prayer requests and pray together.

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